End and Beginning Equipment for Automatic Feed Systems in Animal Husbandry

Head and Tail Equipment: A complete and synchronized solution for an automatic feed delivery system in livestock farming


End and Beginning Equipment for Automatic Feed Systems in Animal Husbandry: A complete and synchronized solution for an automatic feed delivery system in livestock farming

Additional information

Singer boot unloader Single booter Single booter Single booter
Code ATD76-020 ATD90-020 ATD114-020
Material Inox Inox Inox
Piping Ø76 Ø90 Ø114
 Included Tension shaft 76 Tension shaft 90 Tension shaft 114
Twin boot uloader Twin booter Twin booter Twin booter
Code ATD76-021 ATD90-021 ATD114-021
Material Inox Inox Inox
Piping Ø76 Ø90 Ø114
Included Tension shaft 76 Tension shaft 90 Tension shaft 114
Three boot unloader 3 way divider
3 way divider
3 way divider
Code ATD76-022 ATD90-022 ATD114-022
Material Inox Inox Inox
Piping Ø76 Ø90 Ø114
Included Tension shaft 76 Tension shaft 90 Tension shaft 114
Single tranfer boot loader Single booter Single booter Single booter
Code ATD76-030 ATD90-030 ATD114-030
Material Inox Inox Inox
Piping Ø76 Ø90 Ø114
Included Tension shaft 76 Tension shaft 90 Tension shaft 114
Middle boot loader 90o Twin booter Twin booter Twin booter
Code ATD76-032 ATD90-032 ATD114-032
Material Inox Inox Inox
Piping Ø76 Ø90 Ø114
Included Tension shaft 76 Tension shaft 90 Tension shaft 114
2 way middle boot loader Twin booter Twin booter Twin booter
Code ATD76-033 ATD90-033 ATD114-033
Material Inox Inox Inox
Piping Ø76 Ø90 Ø114
Included Tension shaft 76 Tension shaft 90 Tension shaft 114
Middle boot loader 90o Single booter Single booter Single booter
Code ATD76-034 ATD90-034 ATD114-034
Material Inox Inox Inox
Piping Ø76 Ø90 Ø114
Included Tension shaft 76 Tension shaft 90 Tension shaft 114
Bộ tải cám cuối tuyến 90° Boot đơn 76 Boot đơn 90 Boot đơn 114
Mã hàng ATD76-035 ATD90-035 ATD114-035
Vật liệu Inox Inox Inox
Hệ ống Ø76 Ø90 Ø114
Đi kèm Cốt vít tải 76 Cốt vít tải 90 Cốt vít tải 114
End of boot loader 90o Single booter Single booter Single booter
Code ATD76-040 ATD90-040 ATD114-040
Material Inox Inox Inox
Piping Ø76 Ø90 Ø114
Included Tension shaft 76 Tension shaft 90 Tension shaft 114
Tension shaft Ø76 Tension shaft Ø90 Tension shaft Ø114
Code ATD76-080 ATD90-080 ATD114-080
Material Inox Inox Inox
piping Ø76 Ø90 Ø114
Shaft Diameter (mm) Ø35 Ø45 Ø65